Thursday, November 8, 2007

Carrot cake

Today I decided to learn how to fry the carrot cake. Thus, I went to NTUC to buy the carrot cake, eggs and other ingredients.. Haha.. actually I don't really fry carrot cake before.. Anyway, I decided to try it myself. Haih.. but.. I failed.. so sad.. The taste was not bad but its appearance was totally out of my expectation.. That's y I never take down the pix.. ok.. I decided to try it again.. Wish me all the best..

At night, I cooked the almond pudding.. Thanx winson for giving us the pudding mix powder.. I don't know how is the taste because i really don't like almond.. Thus, I never taste it.. However, I asked ky, hy and gladys to taste it.. :)

Sunday, November 4, 2007


在上一个posting, 我忘了写那家cafe 的名字, 所以现在补回。。那家cafe 是开在学校宿舍的, 叫做reddot cafe。。 红黑交错的装潢, 空气中也带有浓浓的咖啡香味, 在加上隔着玻璃所看见的蛋糕, 感觉还蛮棒的、蛮有味道的。。我真的好喜欢那个巧克力蛋糕喔。。一入口浓浓的巧克力味便在口中化开, 而蛋糕内层却别有文章。。 一种像是水果般的甜味慢慢在舌头上流连。。 真的好好吃啊。。 再加上蛋糕的底层是一层层类是巧克力米饼的东西, 这种脆脆饼干更为这个蛋糕增添了更丰富的口感。。 haha 。。 可能是我太喜欢巧克力了吧!! anyway, 我下次还是会点它的。。
哎呀!! 差点忘了提那杯 ice-blended mocha。。 每当你喝一口时,冷冷的mocha 带着颗粒状的咖啡豆与冰沙慢慢的流下你的喉咙。。:)

Friday, November 2, 2007


最近天空都是阴阴的, lecturer 教的东西又不懂, 使得心情有点烦躁。。 所以,就去了家新的cafe 吃蛋糕。。
本来只想买一个蛋糕。。 但, 没想到。。 一不小心。。 就叫了这些甜点 (当然, 是跟几位朋友share 的)。。:)